A tour of our kitchen

VeganMoFo 2015 – Day 13: It’s kitchen tour time.
I’m very proud of our kitchen. We bought the house five years ago and the kitchen was one of the things they drew us to the house. We thought it really had a lot of character and would be the heart of our home. We probably don’t spend as much time in the kitchen as we should do because we lead such busy lives. I know it’s a poor excuse and we really should find the time but we really are trying to eat healthier. You’ll notice that we have kiddie locks on most of the cupboards and drawers, the other reason why we don’t have a lot of time.
I really love spicy food and chillies especially, so I decided to decorate the kitchen with these beautiful pictures of chillies.
Habaneros demand a lot of respect.
The all-round and versatile cayenne.
We picked up this little piece at a craft market in a small rural town in South Africa.
I really love gadgets and have most of the kitchen equipment required for all occasions.
Here I have my slow cooker, spiralizer food processor, hand veggie slicer (almost lost the top of my finger because of this one), a toasted sandwich maker and a manual food chopper/processor.
Yesterday’s theme was our cookbooks and I have a good collection, although not as many as a lot of VeganMofo’ers.
Finally I’d quickly like to show you a couple of other features of our home that we love so much.
Our beautiful Oak Tree within a day or two every year it’s leaves go a wonderful bright (almost lime green colour). The tree is so large I couldn’t get it all in the picture.
Our little lemon tree doesn’t produce the most lovely looking lemons but it really does produce a lot of them and it really looks adorable in our back garden.
Finally one of our furry family, Chickpea, decided she wanted a cameo when I was trying to take a picture of the oak tree.

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