Monkey Helpline

VeganMoFo 2015 – Day 18: Honor a human or non human animal who inspires your veganism.
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There are many people out there that truly inspire and motivate through their good work but by far the one that is doing the best work and needs the most help is Monkey Helpline.
While they work with monkeys predominantly there aren’t any animals they won’t help. Run by two of the most dedicated animal rights activists and vegans I know they work tirelessly not only to rescue monkeys and other animals in distress and care and rehabilitate them (when possible). They also take the time to speak (passionately) to everyone they meet about animal rights and veganism.
Please donate and support them. As little as $5 can make a HUGE difference

Click to Donate to Monkey Helpline
Click to Donate to Monkey Helpline

Monkey Helpline Website:
Monkey Helpline Twitter:
Monkey Helpline Facebook:

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